Before this, I had a friend kept on asking me to listen to TANK’s (a TAIWANESE singer) song - My Special Angel. He had recorded this song into his mobile phone and kept on playing it no matter where he went. I was so mad about this.
(Picture: TANK)
怎知昨天我在 MY FM 听到 TANK的专访,当电台播放这首歌时,突然间就是很有感觉的,很仔细的去聆听这首歌的歌词。这首歌太有意思了。以下是歌词。
However, things changed after I heard TANK interview in MY FM yesterday evening. When the song was on air, suddenly there was an urge for me to listen properly every single word that he sang. Oh Gosh, the words are very meaningful. Below is the lyric of the song.
TANK -专属天使
TANK – My Special Angel
我不会怪你 对我的伪装
I won’t blame you to be faked to me
Angel should hide it’s wings on earth
Human is stupid whereas you are kind
怎能让你 为了我被碰伤
How could I let you being vulnerable because of me?
小小的手掌 厚厚的温暖
Your small hand and your warmness
You always can calm me down when I am uncomfortable at night
不敢想的梦想 透过你的眼光
I never dare to dream, however, from your eyes
我才看见 它原来在前方
I see my dream up front
Nobody can take you away from me
你是我的 专属天使
You are My Special Angel
Only I can have you
Nobody can replace you in my heart
拥有一个 专属天使
By having such a special angle
我哪里还需要 别的愿望
I needn’t any wishes
小小的手掌 大大的力量
Your powerful small hand
我一定也会 像你一样飞翔
I know I can fly like you
你想去的地方 就是我的方向
The destination you want to go will be my direction
有我保护 笑容尽管灿烂
By having my protection, you will smile widely
Not because of your appearance
I must be unawake
绝望的以为 生命只有黑夜
Only knew that life is only darkness
End lyric
Somebody asked: Is it your special angel must be your lover?
I said: Maybe!
Then I asked: Will you tell your girl friend that you are her special angel?
He said: Of course. I love her! I will protect her!
I said enviously: Then your girl friend will be the happiest lady in the world! She had found her special angel.
He smiled: You will find yours too.
I said unconvincingly: Will it be?
Then I joked: It’s about angel. And angel is sent by god to earth right? I won’t begged for it, depends on the Al Mighty to arrange!
Suddenly I was in silence. Then I said: It’s not necessary that people become my special angel, I can be others special angle too. Haha!
Then I burst into laughter.
He then asked: Unless you already had targeted somebody..?
我说:没啦!只不过突然想起我往生了的外婆,我想她应该在上面看我,我好想她噢!她在生时,我什么都不能为她做。(说着说着。。眼泪又不听话的涌了下来) 。所以我要成为她女儿的专属天使。就是我妈啦!我好爱我妈!我真的要争气,一定要为她做些事儿。她最近都为我不愉快的遭遇担心了。
I said: No. Just this triggered my memories of my grandma. She passed away 3 years ago. I guess she must be watching me from above. I miss her! When she was here, I can’t do anything for her. (I started sobbing) Therefore, I must be her daughter’s special angel. My mum’s special angel. I love my mum. I must work hard, I must do something for her. I had put her into anxiety recently due to some unpleasant incidents that hit me.
他点头,带着信心的眼神告诉我: 你可以的!
He nodded, and talked with a confidence: You can do it!
I scratched my head: Hmm! I will!
Friend, have you found your special angel? Or you are others special angel? No matter what you are, I will wish you all the best!
小记:哈!我今天不懂已重复听了这首歌多少次。不要怀疑,现在还在听着! 好歌!
Note: Ha! I just keep playing the song nonstop today. Now I am still listening! Good Song!
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