Tuesday, 3 April 2007

快乐与满足 - Happiness and Satisfaction

好多时候,快乐都是来自不同的满足感。就好比自己达成了某些目标。那么,在达成某些目标的过程里, 难免会有一些自认不公平的待遇。好多人也因此不快乐。
There are times that happiness also can come from different satisfactions. Just like when you are fighting your goals or targets. However, while you are in the process of achieving your goal, there are also times that you will face a lot of injustice situation. And therefore, there are lots of people not very happy about that.

举例:有些人看到某些人不需付出那么多,但得到的却来得比自己多。难免心理会有些不平衡。直到最近,我对于这个情况有了一个很深体会。凡事不计较,全力以赴, 自然而然就会有了所谓的满足感,快乐也会跟随着。为何要常常执着于公平与否?那是多么的浪费时间,整日愁眉苦脸,倒不如用那些时间做更有生产力的事,快快乐乐的过日子。
For example: some people may not need to work as hard as you are, however, seems like he/she may get more than you. Therefore, there will be times that you feel the unbalance. Until recently, I have a thought that I would like to share. By being not so calculative, do everything full force with an open mind, very obviously, it will instill the satisfaction within you. And therefore, happiness will automatically follow you. Do not be too hard headed pertaining to the unfairness of the world. It’s really wasting our time, and leading us to unhappiness, why not we fully utilize our time for something more productive rather than sitting there and sorrowing. Let’s live a happy life.

For conclusion, happiness and satisfaction actually are coming together in our lives

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