Monday, 30 April 2007

一刹那的浪漫 Short Romance – Part V

It was already late at night. She kept playing Mariah Carey’s songs using her laptop. Those songs were reflecting their story. She couldn’t sleep. She missed him very much.

Although both of them couldn’t start off the relationship, however just like what he mentioned in his blog:

It is not necessary to see someone even though you miss him / her, we don't have to mutual-possess nor mutual-destruct, it is not that you think about him / her every single minute of your life, but every day, the image of that person pops up on your mind. When you failed to hear its voice, you'd worry about him / her. When you spend time alone (especially in foreign lands), you'd miss the moments you've spent together.

She agreed wholeheartedly.

Still remember things that he promised her before, she remembered everything, was he already forgotten?

He said: When I have the inspiration, I will write a song for you, the rhythm will be like this song.
She thought: Are you really going to write a song for me? I am anticipating for it.

He said: Work hard. If you get promoted, I will present you a spectacles.
She thought: I want a thin blackly frame.

He said: You come to my place, I will tour you around.
She thought: I listen first, but I am looking forward into it.

Actually that particular night she would have packed and drive to his place. However, an incident happened which caused she cancelled her plan and go to Genting with her friends. She was upset. However, she still kept the feeling within herself.

During their time knowing each other, he usually will send some Mariah Carey’s song for her.

One of them are: Don’t Forget About Us

(Don't forget about us)

Don't baby, don't baby, don't let it go
No baby, no baby, no baby no
Don’t Forget About Us

don't baby, don't baby, don't let it go
My baby...boy

(Verse I)
Just let it die
With no goodbyes
Details don't matter
We both paid the price
Tears in my eyes
You know sometimes
It be like that baby (yeah)

(Bridge I)
Now everytime I see you
I pretend I'm fine
When I wanna reach out to you
But I turn and I walk and I let it ride
Baby I must confess
We were bigger than anything
Remember us at our best
And don't forget about...

Late nights, playing' in the dark
And waking' up inside my arms
Boy, you'll always be in my heart and
I can see it in your eyes
You still want it
So don't forget about us

I'm just speaking from experience
Nothing can compare to your first true love
So I hope this will remind you
When it's for real, it's forever
So don't forget about us

(Verse II)
and they say
That you're in a new relationship
But we both know
Nothing comes close to
What we had, it perseveres
and people can't forget it
How big we used to get it
(Bridge II)
There's only one me and you
And how we used to shine
No matter who you go through
We are one, that's a fact
That you can't deny
So baby we just can't let
The fire pass us by
Forever we'd both regret it
So don't forget about

Late nights, playin' in the dark
And waking' up inside my arms
Boy, you'll always be in my heart and
I can see it in your eyes
You still want it
So don't forget about us

I'm just speaking from experience
Nothing can compare to your first true love
So I hope this will remind you
When it's for real, it's forever
So don't forget about us

And at least she got your head all messed up now
That's that trickery
she'll wanna act like you know how this lovin' used to be (ah)
I bet she can't do it like me
She'll never be MC

Baby don't you, don't you
forget about...

Late nights, playin' in the dark
And wakin' up inside my arms
Boy, you'll always be in my heart and baby and
I can see it in your eyes
You still want it
So don't forget about us

I'm just speaking from experience
Nothing can compare to your first true love
So I hope this will remind you
When it's for real, it's forever
So don't forget about us........(oooh oh)

Late nights, playin' in the dark
And wakin' up inside my arms
Boy, you'll always be in my heart and
I can see it in your eyes
You still want it
So don't forget about us

I'm just speaking from experience
Nothing can compare to your first true love
So I hope this will remind you, babe
When it's for real, it's forever
So don't forget about us

Don't baby, don't baby, don't let it go
No baby, no baby, no baby no
don't baby, don't baby, don't let it go
when it's for real, it's forever
so don't forget about us.

记得他寄了这首歌给她,他告诉她: Don’t forget about us…
Yet, she remembered when the time he send her this song, he told her: Don’t forget about us…


Friday, 27 April 2007

一刹那的浪漫 Short Romance – Part IV





玛莱亚。凯丽(Mariah Carey)是他们的故事。他们都很喜欢她的歌。。







她现在正听着玛莱亚。凯丽的永恒的爱(Endless Love)。。。

My love,
There's only you in my life
The only thing that's bright

My first love,
You're every breath that I take
You're every step I make

And I,
I want to share
All my love with you
No one else will do...

And your eyes
Your eyes, your eyes
They tell me how much you care
Ooh yes, you will always be
My endless love

Two hearts,
Two hearts that beat as one
Our lives have just begun

I'll hold you close in my arms
I can't resist your charms

And love
Oh, loveI'll be a fool
For you,I'm sure
You know
I don't mind
Oh, you know I don't mind

'Cause you,
You mean the world to me
Oh I know
I know I've found in you
My endless love

Oooh, and love
Oh, loveI
'll be that fool
For you,
I'm sure
You know
I don't mind
Oh you know-I don't mind

And, YES
You'll be the only one
'Cause NO one can deny
This love I have inside
And I'll give it all to you
My love
My love, my love
My endless love

Monday, 23 April 2007

明星梦 - Becoming Stars



(左图:迈向梦想就有如迈向自己的康庄大道,a SUNNY WAY)

其实我才认识他们也只有那短短的两个星期,但他俩对于梦想的热诚足以震撼我心。他俩都是大我一岁的双鱼座狮子座。(注1:感觉上用星座来做他们的代号会比较贴切) 。我自己本身也是在明星偶像试镜活动时遇上这两位朋友。想必也会成为我的好朋友。双鱼座是一个多才多艺的人,能跳,能唱,能演。当然唱歌是他最大的热诚。(注2:他曾经是两届大马偶像的75强噢!) 。狮子座也不逊色,一样可以载歌载舞,还能载演呢,整体看来还有明星相呢。(注3:他曾经是 Born Star的得奖者噢!)



花絮2:有位面貌‘特出’ 的女孩试镜后,主办单位有拿她身体上的尺寸。双鱼座事后祟祟念:“为何他们没拿我的尺寸,我老远来到吉隆坡试镜,你竟然不拿我的尺寸。” 搞到我们哭笑不得!)






Friday, 20 April 2007

一刹那的浪漫 – Short Romance – Part III









她承认她累,她想找个肩膀。 而他跟她性格,嗜好又那么相似,怎不叫她对他有着那么浓厚的感觉呢?她醒了,因为 她根本没资格说累,因为她还未完成自己的责任。



Wednesday, 18 April 2007

成功论 - Theory to Sucess






只要脚步不停,新思维, 新思路,就有新出路,敢做敢想,


一刹那的浪漫 – Short Romance – Part II


Since that day they both knew the feeling towards each other, they chatted again online.


Obviously she was upset because he never gave her a clear reply towards the relationship. She felt like sometimes she owned him and vice versa. She tried to maintain the relationship because she was a super duper rational people. She felt like up-to-day; he wasn’t known what he wants. She didn’t know how long she still could maintain the feeling towards him. Although she was rational, yet she was also a sentimental person. She had faith in her feeling. She never afraid to lost him but she was too scare to lose the feeling to love. She had not been in love for long time ago due to the busy and challenging life.


Love is beautiful. She was looking forward a feeling to love. She never knew how he felt towards her. Therefore she had decided rather than chatting online, she will see him face to face and talk about the whole relationship, and then she will reconsider what to do next.


Life goes on no matter what happens. She still has responsibility to bear, promises to realize. She cannot drop into a feeling for too long. To keep the feeling fresh in her mind, she had decided to write him 1 article daily.


Whether there will still be another story about the short romance, it’s up to god’s will..

Tuesday, 17 April 2007

一刹那的浪漫 - Short Romance - Part I


Human relationship always is something that unexplainable and unpredictable. He and She met each other one day. They used to be much closed to each other then. Although they knew each other less than 12 hours, she already felt something about him. She didn’t know how he felt, however, she already gave a space for him in her heart.


She was still single. And yet, there were guys whom surrounding her. Nevertheless, there was no chemistry among them. Not because they were not good enough, it was because the feeling was not there. Her ideology was simple. She believed in ‘feel’. She had faith in love at the first sight. It was destined that she met him.


Both of them knew each other about 1 week. Normally, they would contact each other by using MSN Messenger. One of them stayed in northern part of Malaysia and the other one stayed in center part of Malaysia. There was a day while both of them were chatting with each other; they admitted they actually had some special feeling towards each other. She was a very rational person, even in handling lovey-dovey issue. Therefore, she clearly knew that it was not easy to maintain a long distance relationship; however, she knew that it was also not easy to find somebody who was so match with her personality. Yet, she insisted. Still, she knew he was slightly conservative towards long distance relationship; hence, she didn’t want him to make any decision. She rather he thought a million times before starting off the relationship. This was only a way which was fair to them both.


No matter how, she would still keep all the memories between them both. From a friendship hug, till a SMS, then a call, a conversation in MSN etc.. She didn’t put much hope whether this relationship would spark or worked out. 1 thing she wasn’t regretted, she had tell him how she felt about him. Although it was a short romance, the feeling was really sweet.


Friends, what do you think about Long Distance Relationship? I welcome your opinions, at least it will be a good reference for our friends who are currently in the same condition. Thanks!

Thursday, 12 April 2007

2007马来西亚明星偶像 StarIdol Malaysia- 我一路走来的过程 My Journey



由于我对衣着打扮没那么深的见解,因为平时的我就是职业女性典型式打扮。所以在第二圈比赛的前两天,赶紧拉着好友为我塑造剧本里我所饰演的JANE的形像。JANE外表成熟高贵, 充满女人风情,在性格上呢则是倔强好胜, 骄傲,霸道。那么坦白讲,无论是剧情或角色,都瞒与我相似。除了一点,就是我没那么霸道。




就在成绩公布前,哈,我就跟其他明星偶像参赛者打成一片。有槟城的啦,还有柔佛的,当然也少不了吉隆坡的。他们的嘻哈声足以震动这个STUDIO. 当然多嘴的我又刚好碰上了槟城来的荣显。二人一见如故,说个七呖呱啦。弄得差不多1/4场人笑个不停。各位朋友,如果你在节目上看到这个场面,别怀疑,这二人就是此二人。哈。






Bryant,进民,Ivy, Gallen:
谢谢你们陪我练习,陪我做Role Play. Bryant, 你的导演技术还不赖。

Elaine 大姐,雪盈:






嘉洋,诗蕾,雪婷,Sharen, Kel, Amelia, Annie:


Friday, 6 April 2007

四个战友的故事 - Peers

Start from left: Ah Loon, Ah Feng, Ah Min and Ah Lin in The Best Idol - Gala Dinner, Jan 2007, Flamingo Hotel grand ballroom

Start from left: Ah Loon, Ah Feng, Ah Lin and Ah Min
in a Convention, August 2006, Berjaya Times Square Convention Room


There is a sudden feeling that I would like to tell you a story on these four peers. It’s due to it’s had been some time they didn’t perform in a same stage. Well the stage that I mean here is the speaker stage. Then who are the FOUR? Ha.. they are very talented Ah Min, smart Ah Loon, soft and tender Ah Lin and of course the active cutie Ah Feng.
犹记得当年在念博大的时候,四个小黄毛还是嫩嫩的。阿民,阿伦和阿枫虽然同住一个宿舍,认识对方,但纯属那种见面说声‘嗨’,再见说声‘拜’ 的朋友。阿琳呢则住在令一个宿舍。但他们的宿舍都很靠近。

Back to the times when these four still pursuing studies in UPM, though Ah Min, Ah Loon and Ah Feng were staying in a same hostel, however, they merely knew each other, shall say they were only the ‘Hi-Bye’ type friend. Ah Lin was staying in another hostel but it’s adjacent to the three’s hostel.


Ah Min loved music and yet he can compose his own song. Therefore, he was a café’s singer. Ah Feng was an active type of girl. She joined lot of hostel’s activity and also the head of Chinese community in her hostel. Then Ah Loon and Ah Lin were more low profile compared with Ah Feng and Ah Min. They were simple type of person, still, they had their own goals in life.


I shall say it’s god arrangement that the Four were brought into a business in the same time by their senior Ah Chen. And because of this, they achieved great results. Ah Min and Ah Feng were more to the stage presenter whereas Ah Loon and Ah Lin were more at the back end. Though they were carving in the same business, however, they never had a chance to work with each other in a business presentation. 1 year later, the Four finally dismissed. They follow their senior Ah Chen venturing into another business. And four of them agree that they were going to collaborate with new senior partner instead of the original four. As a result, it was quite impossible for them to work with each other in a business presentation.


Until last night, the four was arranged to conduct the business presentation. This was the first time for the Four to collaborate with each other. Ah Loon was the sound man, Ah Min was the speaker, and of course Ah Feng was the professional emcee. Nevertheless, at that moment, they still lack of one person to do the product sharing. Without thinking twice, Ah Lin was shortlisted as the best product sharing candidate by Ah Feng. The best thing was there was a connection between the Four. And they successfully conducted the business presentation. It was just marvelous.

Ah Feng was the one who felt the most of the happening. She thanked god for giving her the best memories ever, and thanked god for granting her the 3 peers. She wished her 3 peers all the best in the business, leading them to success and prosperity!

Tuesday, 3 April 2007

没有不能,只有怎样 - No Impossible, Only How




那么,我就很得意的、心直口快的叫他放弃了。怎知他就送了我这局话- 没有不能,只有怎样。他说他是真正看到了他这家销公司才打算全职。经过了三个月的磨炼,他终于懂得什么叫辛苦。好多时候他都一直抱怨自己,抱怨别人,抱怨种种的不公平,但他都没好好检讨过自己,所以事事都不称心如意。自从他认识了一些完全不会给自己借口的人后,他自己有了一个启发。他常抱怨的苦根本就算不了什么。从此之后,每当他遇到什么困难,他也会停执抱怨,他都会不断问自己应该怎样解决这困难。就像他现在这样从事着这门事业,他知道要在短期内赚取别人在几十年赚取的,要付出的也十分多。他也向我透露了他这回已是无翻身的余地,除了做就是做。从他那眼神,我知道他这回真的是破釜沉舟了。但我并不担心,因为我知道他一定可以做到。只要他要!



快乐与满足 - Happiness and Satisfaction

好多时候,快乐都是来自不同的满足感。就好比自己达成了某些目标。那么,在达成某些目标的过程里, 难免会有一些自认不公平的待遇。好多人也因此不快乐。
There are times that happiness also can come from different satisfactions. Just like when you are fighting your goals or targets. However, while you are in the process of achieving your goal, there are also times that you will face a lot of injustice situation. And therefore, there are lots of people not very happy about that.

举例:有些人看到某些人不需付出那么多,但得到的却来得比自己多。难免心理会有些不平衡。直到最近,我对于这个情况有了一个很深体会。凡事不计较,全力以赴, 自然而然就会有了所谓的满足感,快乐也会跟随着。为何要常常执着于公平与否?那是多么的浪费时间,整日愁眉苦脸,倒不如用那些时间做更有生产力的事,快快乐乐的过日子。
For example: some people may not need to work as hard as you are, however, seems like he/she may get more than you. Therefore, there will be times that you feel the unbalance. Until recently, I have a thought that I would like to share. By being not so calculative, do everything full force with an open mind, very obviously, it will instill the satisfaction within you. And therefore, happiness will automatically follow you. Do not be too hard headed pertaining to the unfairness of the world. It’s really wasting our time, and leading us to unhappiness, why not we fully utilize our time for something more productive rather than sitting there and sorrowing. Let’s live a happy life.

For conclusion, happiness and satisfaction actually are coming together in our lives