1 April 11 Friday 2000
Arrived home from 2.5 hours train journey, plus 20 minutes wait for the bus! I received two calling cards, one from Royal Mail, another from Secure DX. Until I found out what that secure DX calling card is for, I was 80% sure that time my PSW application has been approved! I was happy, but on the other hand, here started the fuss.
4 April 11 Monday 0900
Arrived at client office! Have to communicate the working from home request with boss. She agreed. I felt a bit bad as I was sort of changing her work plan. She had to cancel the hotel reservation. Took train back on that evening, left my luggage in the office.
5 April 11 Tuesday 0900 - 1700
I am usually booked full time for the project and based at client side. Due to the delivery rearrangement, I had to request to work from home on Tuesday so I can sign the delivery. Guess what, the delivery didn't turned up! I had to take the train back to Burton on Tuesday evening as the BAU started on Wednesday. Tiring train journey
5 April 11 Tuesday 2130
Arrived at train station, took a cab, planned to get to office first so I can pick up my luggage. The taxi driver drove like a drunkard! He was putting my life in jeopardise! And he dropped me at the wrong address. I had to redirect him to where I wanted to go! Dodgy!
5 April 11 Tuesday 2150
Arrived at office, and all doors were locked! I always thought office is opened 24 hours as I saw security guards in the evening. Only myself to blame! Walked back to hotel with no working clothes, no toiletries... Sigh!
5 April 11 Tuesday 2155
The hotel reception lady wasn't too friendly when I asked about the refund on the cancellation. Had to communicate with my boss via text messages. I can tell she wasn't too happy about the whole refunding issue.
That evening, I slept with a plain shower. I felt myself not that clean, that's why I didn't sleep well. So I was booked to room 215
6 April 11 Wednesday 0700
Woke up early. Straight away to breakfast coz I had nothing to brush my teeth and clean my face :( Quickly went to office, wore a cap so no one can recognise me! I can't really see people without having make ups and well dressed. Collected my luggage, had a quick shower, dressed nicely and went to work
6 April 11 Wednesday 0830
Called DX Secure. They told me the delivery failure yesterday was an unfortunate event. Bollocks! A lame excuse for not doing a proper job! They promised to deliver on this Friday. So I have to ask for another WFH request on Friday. Dx Secure has really putting me in a bad position dealing with my boss!
That's pretty much it! I haven't got my BRP!
Stay tune for the rest of story, to see whether I will receive the BRP on Friday via Secure DX!