Sunday, 27 March 2011

Room 321

It is yet another week. Hmm...Let me recap what have I done for the week. It is a 'loads of sunshine' week though.

Right, so for those who wants to enrol your biometric details (as it is part of the visa application), one of the option to do it is at Oxford Post Office. As it was quite sunny that day, I walked for 15 minutes from Oxford train station to the Post Office, with my trolly luggage and my heavy classic lappy...It was a good exercise though.

Post Office at Oxford, quite a nice building though

Old time Post Box? :)

on my way to Burton to start my week...

A sunny start on Tuesday...Having a bit of sunshine at work is definitely a luxury...

Another sunny start on Wednesday

ice lolly on Thursday. Stop frowing Dave! Both of us were working on the same set of tests.

Another nice dinner at The Dial. Starter - Vegetarian Spring Roll

Main - some kind of fish...but isn't the fish too small?

Dessert - 3 diffrent types of ice cream, including my favorite 'Hokey Pokey' ice cream.

Luncheon with bosses at the Waterfront. Sitting under the sun...cheerio, although I got a headache afterwards.

This is why I got the headache. Ha!

To summarise, it is quite a good week though.
However, still there are a few personal issues that yet to be 'fixed'
Sometimes, i feel the decisions are on me.
I decide how I want to deal with it.
I haven't fully mastered the art of letting go.
Am I melodramatic? Am I paranoiding?
Am I taking a bet?
I don't know but we will see...
Stay tune if you are following Chekie's story.
A good friend of mine once said she admired me
seeing me how I went through all sorts
and I survived
A compliment though
However, it is tiring
I don't know how long i can stay on the battle.

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