Thursday, 12 July 2007

变形金刚 Transformers

很多人告诉我<<变形金刚>>是一部你必须看的电影的时候,我虽然近期忙得不可开交,昨晚终于忍不住,一个人跑去看半夜场。更好笑的是那个买票的还问我:“你明天不必上班吗?” 我还很配合的开玩笑说:“大不了不是拿病假啦!” 哈哈!
A lot of people told me that Transformer is a MUST-WATCH movie. Although I am so busy recently, last midnight I watched it alone. The funny thing is the ticket seller ask me, “No work tomorrow?” . And I said, “If I can’t wake up, probably it will be a MC day for me!” Haha…
When I saw Transformers on the big white screen, I felt myself just like a young kid watching it. When I was young, I couldn’t believe that man finally can put the 2D cartoons in 3D animation. And it looks real, I was so shocked and I loved the visual badly. Especially when I saw the great Optimus, Bumblebees, and of course the big bag guy, Megatron etc…
Especially when they transformed, of my god, I like it so much!!
更好笑的是当看完整部电影,那时已是3点凌晨了。路上没什么人,看着路旁停泊的的一些车辆,感觉它们就像戏里的霸天虎一样,来侵袭地球,而吉隆坡时代广场 就是它们第一个要侵袭的地方。然后我驾着我的小金龙,犹如驾着威震天,它会变形然后保护我。哈哈。。我的想象力太丰富了。。
The funniest thing after I watched the movie, it was about 3am in the morning. I drove alone on street, there were merely several cars parking along the roadside. I had a stupid feeling that those cars were going to transform into deceptrons and they were about to attack the earth and Time Square was their first spot. Then I imagined myself was driving Optimus although it was a Kelisa indeed, then Optimus transformed and protected me…Wow…what a magnificent imagination…haha…
么丰富。或许我可以考虑把故事情节告知梦工厂, 若他们接受了,我就发达了。哈哈。
When I was young, I love Optimus so much. I always dreamt that I am one of the female transformer and fight enemy together with Optimus…haha…then we fell in love eventually and had a lot of small transformers..We then continued our mission to protect cybertron and also human in the earth…haha…See, I was so imaginative since I was young. Now I think perhaps I should sell the idea to DREAMWORKS, if they buy my idea, I will be damn rich..hahaha…
整部戏给到我最大的启发是在于威震天讲的一句话:No Scarify, No Victory。 就是说:没有牺牲,就没有胜利。回顾我们身边一些成功人士,有那些是没付出过的。胜利也是要付出代价的。朋友们,加油吧!
I think Optimus word: No Sacrify, No Victory, inspires me a lot. Looking back to those successful people, none of them are being successful easily, they had given what they had before achieving victories in life. And I believe that if you want victory, you need to scarify something as well in your life. Peers, work hard!
And the most touching part of the film is when Bumblebee was caught by human, Optimus ordered his soldiers not to attack. He said: though there are weakness in human being, they are also kind human being,. Then he took a look on Sam. His soldiers follow his orders. Same in our life, they are bad people but there are also good people. Though sometimes we really need to defend ourselves, however, sometimes we also need to treat friends around us sincerely, am I right?

By the way, I have a strong feeling that I will re-watch this movie…because it is the best movie ever in human animated movie history…haha…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i watched transformers on the 1st day it screening...i was touched by the words from Optimus Prime.."No sacrify,no victory"...yo,we have the same thoughts ya...ha~~