那晚的两个Instructor: Terrence and Nicholas
Track 4 - Part 1
Track 4 - Part 2
Track 5- love the decoys
Track 7
Track 9 with a bit of entertainment
Track 10 - Kinda Dark
有人问:我为什么那么喜欢Body Combat?很简单:有型,很好的发泄管道。。
很可惜这次JOIN不到他们的Instructorship..因为要过去伦敦了。。但是如果有机会,我想成为Lesmill Certified的Body Combat Instructor..哈哈!!!!
為什麽你穿白色那么顯眼~ :p
chek foung,
Lont time never hear from you. But, I do read your blogs sometime. :) ..
U are having a great life. And i believe this is the kind of happy life that u've always been dreaming of, right? hehe..
hey, u went for combat dance?
what is that? Is it an aerobic dance or line dance?
I wanted to join dancing class for quite some time. But, couldn't get anyone to go with me..
again, how is body combat?
regards, Fong Sim.
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