14th December..a very SPECIAL day…because it’s my BIRTHDAY….
14th December..a very SPECIAL day…because it’s my BIRTHDAY….
14th December 2007…
怎么过?How I spend My BIG day?
就与一班好友,在THE CURVE的TGIF 过啦。。因为贪这边的气氛够热闹。。因为寿星婆/寿星公必须站在椅子上,先唱歌,然后会有人喊一些我也听不懂的口号。。解下来呢,寿星婆/寿星公就必须许愿吹蜡烛。。然后仪式才正式告别。。虽然站在椅子上的那一刹那真的有一点点小PAISEH,小安我表演欲强。。所以还瞒ENJOY的。。哈哈。。最好玩的是我们这班人真的很能玩。。连隔壁几桌的人一直猛看我们。。。哈哈。。。
I spent my birthday with a group of my best friends in TGIF the curve…because the atmosphere here was very lively and happening…First, the birthday baby was required to stand on a chair to sing, then there came a group of people shouting some words I don’t really understand…then the birthday bay need to make a wish, blow the candles…then here it ends the ceremony….well, at 1st I felt nervous when standing on a chair, however, I am the kind of person with performance blood..therefore, I did enjoyed my time…haha…the most funniest thing was my friends really a happening group of people as well…our acts did attracted people around us to make a glance on us…haha….
就与一班好友,在THE CURVE的TGIF 过啦。。因为贪这边的气氛够热闹。。因为寿星婆/寿星公必须站在椅子上,先唱歌,然后会有人喊一些我也听不懂的口号。。解下来呢,寿星婆/寿星公就必须许愿吹蜡烛。。然后仪式才正式告别。。虽然站在椅子上的那一刹那真的有一点点小PAISEH,小安我表演欲强。。所以还瞒ENJOY的。。哈哈。。最好玩的是我们这班人真的很能玩。。连隔壁几桌的人一直猛看我们。。。哈哈。。。
I spent my birthday with a group of my best friends in TGIF the curve…because the atmosphere here was very lively and happening…First, the birthday baby was required to stand on a chair to sing, then there came a group of people shouting some words I don’t really understand…then the birthday bay need to make a wish, blow the candles…then here it ends the ceremony….well, at 1st I felt nervous when standing on a chair, however, I am the kind of person with performance blood..therefore, I did enjoyed my time…haha…the most funniest thing was my friends really a happening group of people as well…our acts did attracted people around us to make a glance on us…haha….
礼物 My Presents
Sony Erricson P1i
Sony Erricson P1i

I bought this for myself…haha….
Starbucks Red Tumbler
我的Manager – Miss Hallena送的
It is given by my lovely Manager – Miss Hallena
Starbucks Barista Bear
X 叔叔送的(白色), 师父送的(黑色)
It is given by Uncle X(white color barista bear), Sifu J(black color barista bear)
Body Shop Shower Gel + Shower Scrub
They are given by bb23 and psyche
gallen81 和小紫送的
It is given by gallen81 and Light Purple
“A Movie Treat - "Alvin & the Chipmunks"”
Jeff 请的
From my lovely Jeff
照片 Pictures
(Please read the next post for more pictures)

4 大生日愿望!!!!我希望这四大生日愿望能在2008年12月14日实现!!!
4 Birthday Wishes!!!! I wish I will get all these 4 wishes in 14th December 2008
4 大生日愿望!!!!我希望这四大生日愿望能在2008年12月14日实现!!!
4 Birthday Wishes!!!! I wish I will get all these 4 wishes in 14th December 2008
鸣谢 Special Thanks
谢谢bb23, psyche, gallen81, 小紫,Alan, Tiffany, Cammy, Vicky, Jeff, Linda.. 谢谢你们帮我庆祝和陪我度过我的25岁生日。。X叔叔,虽然你没到,但你的礼物也还未到,但我还是要谢谢你买了我要的熊熊给我。。哈。。还有谢谢那些从2007年12月14日凌晨12时就一直传简讯来的朋友们。。谢谢你们还记得我的生日。。还有我的工作同事们。。谢谢你们请我吃了一顿那么丰富的午餐。。。还有一些下星期答应会请我吃晚餐的朋友。。更不忘记我的爸爸,妈妈和弟弟。。看到你们的VIDEO CALL, 我真的很兴奋。。我更加知道我必须更努力,做的更多,更好来回馈你们。。哈哈。。谢谢你们的爱。。我不会在自暴自弃。。我会更加油!!
Special thanks to bb23, psyche, gallen81, 小紫,Alan, Tiffany, Cammy, Vicky, Jeff, Linda..Thanks for celebrating my 25th Birthday with me…Uncle X, although you were not present, and my present still with you…still, thanks for buying me the barista bear…and thanks to those friends who started to SMS me since 12am in 14th December 2007…thanks for remembering my birthday…and thanks to my colleague…thanks for treating me such a wonderful lunch…and thanks for those friends who promise to dine me next week as my birthday present…and not forget to thank my parents and brother as well…thanks for video calling me…I really happy when I saw your video call…and I know I must work harder, become better and better to pay you guys back…haha…thank you everyone…thanks for your LOVE…..i won’t give up myself…GANBATTE !!!
Special thanks to bb23, psyche, gallen81, 小紫,Alan, Tiffany, Cammy, Vicky, Jeff, Linda..Thanks for celebrating my 25th Birthday with me…Uncle X, although you were not present, and my present still with you…still, thanks for buying me the barista bear…and thanks to those friends who started to SMS me since 12am in 14th December 2007…thanks for remembering my birthday…and thanks to my colleague…thanks for treating me such a wonderful lunch…and thanks for those friends who promise to dine me next week as my birthday present…and not forget to thank my parents and brother as well…thanks for video calling me…I really happy when I saw your video call…and I know I must work harder, become better and better to pay you guys back…haha…thank you everyone…thanks for your LOVE…..i won’t give up myself…GANBATTE !!!
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