Sunday, 25 May 2014

Thomas Cup 2014 & my PhD

Although Malaysia has to stay number two in Thomas Cup 2014, again, I would like to congratulate the Malaysian players for making that far in the competition. I am proud of our Malaysian players! #MalaysiaBoleh . I always believe we can make it one day. On the other note, what I really see from the Japanese players is they are really determined and stayed focus to win the competition. They never miss a chance to score a point, they tried their very best to pick up every single serve, and they didn't really lose point on not picking a thought-to-be outside serve. 

The determination of the Japanese really motivates me in working on my PhD research and also the post-PhD life. Honestly, I have slightly lost my confidence after the annual presentation. I find that my work is not as solid as I thought it would be, hence I lost focus and feeling a bit depressed. However, what I realise it as long as I don't give up and keep staying focus, and I would be able to complete my PhD degree in time. It depends on how much I want to complete in time, how much I really dare to dream about the post-PhD life. Therefore, my reflections are, if I bloody seriously want the PhD that much:

1. Dare to set a finish date for the PhD
2. Dare to plan the activities (do whatever to freaking finish the bloody PhD)
3. Dare to accept the constructive feedback or sometimes not really conveyed in a nice way 
4. Dare to write even though it may be a rubbish draft at the beginning
5. Dare to spend time doing something outside the PhD that you like

All and all, just bloody Stay Focus, Keep Calm and Get Going!

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