In year 2010, I had decided to 're-enter' UK to pursue my master degree. I wouldn't say it was a 100% rational decision as there was an emotional element in making this decision. I was hoping to amend something which was broken, however, things had proved myself wrong. However, I had spent everything that I can possible spend to come over here, therefore, I clearly understood that there was no turning back. The best thing that I could do was to suck it up and finish it.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank my friends (Lydia, Suet, YouJiean etc) and family back home and friends here (Kent, Yau, Mei etc) for giving me moral support from time to time. This was my gasoline to move forward. I feel blessed meeting and working with some great people from
IRC (Prof Kecheng Liu, Dr Lily Sun etc),
Capgemini (Dr Sam Chong, Cameron Spence etc),
Dedipower (Craig Martin, Grant Mitchell, KhengSim Sng, Wilkin Lo, Winnie Chen, Suzie Huang etc), thank you for giving me a good opportunity to learn. I have enjoyed working with you all. Lastly but not least, I want to thank Bee for assisting me in my studies especially before the thesis submission. I wouldn't do any better without your help.
Highlight of the year: MSc dissertation presentation. I was glad with the positive feedback that I have received.
I was glad on the 31st December 2010 (yesterday), because I could feel that I had let go the emotional element. Therefore, in year 2011, my resolution are simple. "Stay Focus" on the listed goals, and "Stop Worrying" on the uncertainties! I never feel that positive after the big lump in life back in Q3 2009.
Thus, I am ready!
I would rather to stay in, having a nice dinner (with Chinese New Year song as background, what a surprise! ha!) with good accompany, rather than going for the new year countdown in central London, although I quite fancied going. At last, I watched the London Fireworks on New Year's Day on BBC One in the home theatre :)
I am the cook though :)