It is indeed my fifth month doing a PhD. I have always wanted to write about my reflection over these five months. This blog post has been saved as a draft for a couple of weeks. I am very glad that I finally have the chance to complete it.
Doing a PhD is totally a different paradigm compare with my working life in the past. The thing with doing a PhD is that it is not a nine to five matters (Liu, 2012). It is a continuous thinking process. In order to complete in three years in a full time basis, I know that I have to give more. I used to have two days for my weekend when I was at work, now, am still trying to take two days off, however, most of the time, ill start doing my prep work on Sunday. In addition, working from 9 – 8 is no longer unusual as I need more time to clear the academic and business as usual (BAU) work. The BAUs include the student Rep responsibilities (i.e. organising social activities, workshops, etc), teaching assistant (slides prep, teaching, marking essays etc), co supervising MSc students, meetings with other PhD for the collaborative academic work etc. I know life has changed. But it is a good change. Nothing comes easy, I always tell myself that if I can survive in these three years, I will be able to achieve more in future.
After five months going through the literature, I realised that actually I really like reading / knowing things that related to philosophy, mathematics and logic. I believe that all inventions in the world have the philosophical thinking / theoretical background behind. And in order to develop it into something that people can use (practical), here comes science to play the role. Something will not be called as science if there is no mathematics foundation.
I especially like the Syllogism from Aristotle, the great ancient Greek philosopher. I think it is one of the best ways in developing a hypothesis. For example:
All mortals die
Some men are mortals
Some men die
In fact, we are making hypothesis by applying syllogism in our daily life whenever we are trying to make judgement or decisions :)
Doing a PhD is giving me a chance to think or research things that I really like to do. I wouldn’t want to be a great philosopher or mathematician or a logician, but I do hope to use my practical / tacit knowledge, incorporate with those great philosophical, mathematical and logical literature, to invent something in my research area so people can use it in the future.
Another thing is I like writing since I was a child. I like to note down how I feel, what I think although most of the times people don’t really getting my message. Still, I do what I like to do. Writing is a core part in a PhD process. It is about capturing my thought process, I guess. After I read, I write down a small bit of my reflection towards the literature I have reviewed. Although English is not my first language, still I think I can develop the English writing skills from time to time.
In addition, these five months is another reflection on me, what is my core strength, what I need to improve, what I can do the most by using my strength. I am lost in the past, especially after a big slump in my mid twenties. Things weren’t good since then. It was indeed the toughest challenge so far. However, I wouldn’t grieve too much about it. Taking it positively, I have learned a great lesson that formulates a better me. It indeed takes me to my current position.
I am very glad that being given the PhD opportunity from my Prof. I know there are still much more to learn from him and the team. I’ll always remember what he says to me ‘My philosophy is I will push you as much as I could. You are like a string, Ill keep stretching you as I know you haven’t snapped yet’. On the other hand, I know I wouldn’t let myself snap easily as I love what I do (Jobs, 2011).
I feel thankful to have a lovely mommy, also my best friend. She is my number one fan in being interested all the time about my research. Sometimes I like to share her about my thought, although I know she wouldn't be able to understand them all, still she is listening attentively. Thanks mom! I heart you :)