I am caught in fever today. It is quite hard to focus on work, however, there are some random thoughts come across my mind. And I would like to dedicate it to myself. But feel free to share across if you find my thoughts helping.
It is autumn now.. Standing there, looking at the blue blue sky and thinking what is next? As I am finishing my MSc soon, there are seriously loads to think about, something that I couldn't run away anymore. What I want to do etc. Of course I always have my master plan in mind. However, there are lessons learn along the way and I may have to keep my master plan flexible. That's why when people are asking how do I live my life now, I say I have a
Agile lifestyle now.
1. Being an opportunist - There are opportunities every where. It is pretty much depends on whether you are ready or not. For an opportunist, he/she can turn every thing into an opportunity, for example turning a rock to a diamond. So never ever give up when you miss one opportunity. Coz sometimes it is not because you are not good enough, there may be some other reasons.
2. 'Release Management' 1 - I am not talking about software release management. But it is about how to release ourselves from unhappiness and stress in an appropriate way. Some said I always know how to make myself happy. I sing a lot. Karaoke isn't popular here compare with KL. So I use to put on songs on youtube and sing along. Retail therapy, yeah, sometimes, can't afford much with my current financial situation. Eating, oh yes! Especially the tomyum soup! Tomyum soup always make me smile. The other day a friend of mine was asking why can I feel contented with a small bowl of cereal. I said why not? When you are alone in a foreign land, every single thing, a simple meal means something for you. Thus, I have learnt how to appreciate my family, friends and whatever I am having now more!
3. 'Release Management' 2 - Here I would like to define it as letting go when I have to! Not sure about others, the more I want something to happen, usually it won't happen. However, when I keep working hard and do what I have to consistently, sometimes things just happen. It has proven in my 'track record'. Ha! It applies to all, regardless career or relationship. There is seriously no point to push things to happen. It happens when it has to happen. You never know. Therefore, never stress myself in any situation.However, it is always important that you have played your role well. Ie: as a student, you have to study well; as an employee, you have to think on how to contribute for the company sucess; as someone's partner, you have to be a good one, always be there for him whenever he needs you.
3. Damn you ego, but not too humble as you are just faking yourself - I have met with loads of different people varying from businessmen, professionals, academics, less literate, etc. I always notice that those very success people have almost zero ego, they are usually humble and very genuine. This is something I am learning. I serious dislike people especially those who always think they are always right, and faking themselves when being too humble.
4. Discipline and persistency - Whenever you have decided, write it down on a post it notes, look at it every day and stick to it! It is pointless to keep repeating something ie your goals, your commitment etc without really action on it.
5. Love myself - You are the owner of yourself. Life is too short for being depressed all the time. I know there is an obstacle hidden deep inside that you have to go through, take your time but make sure you are happy always. I wish you can smile from your heart one day!
Seems like I am now talking these to myself. Ha! Right, my Chinese herbal tea is getting cold now. My body temperature has not fully subsided.

I wish a better tomorrow for myself. Every day is a brand new day!