人一生中会碰到很多人,有的人是和你有缘会一生陪伴的,有的人却只是你生命中的过客,短暂出现然后消失。而在这些人中, 谁才是让你念念不忘的那个人,是在你心中挥之不去的美丽风景,那么下面就来测一下吧。
You may meet a lot of people in your life. Some of them maybe accompany you for your whole life; some maybe just appear temporarily, short appearance and vanishes. But among all these people, who is the person that you never forget. Let’s have a test below.
1.假如你现在非常疲劳 ,但是又有很多工作没有完成,你会?
和别人聊感兴趣的话题来让自己振奋一些 ——2
1.What will you do if you are now extremely weary with a lot of uncompleted work?
Drink coffee to stimulate -- 3
Chat others with some interesting topic to excite yourself—2
2.Will you participate in classmate gathering?
Sure will attend--4
Attend only if you are free--5
3.What thing that you will remember the most after borrow to people
打电话找朋友们求救 ——7
4.If you are lost in the middle way, what will you do to get back?
Call friend for help--7
Stop a car and drove it to somewhere you are familiar with--6
5.Do you have your childhood friends contact in your mobile phone contact list?
Have some--7
Completely doesn’t have--6
6.Each time when you visit a new place, your first pay attention is?
Local dishes--8 Local traveling destination--9 7.你比较喜欢下面哪种水果?
7.Which below fruits you prefer?
Orange--8Strawberry--9 8.你到现在为止喜欢的人很多吗?
8.Till now, do you have a lot of people that you like? Indeed it’s quite many --9Ok, but I am a single minded type--11 9.现在纸上有很多形状图案给你选择,你觉得你会选择哪一种图案?
9.There are a lot of shapes for you to choose, which shape will you choose?
Circular, arc and gentle closed curve--10Triangle, diamond or unclosed curve--1410.你会看自己小时候写的日记吗?看的时候是怎样的感想?
看得比较少 ,会觉得太幼稚了,每次看到都会爆笑——12
10.Will you read your childhood diary? How is your feeling while reading?
Seldom read, feel like too childish, will always burst into laughter while reading --12
Will read occasionally, feel like having an interesting and meaningful childhood--1111.你曾经想过要找到小学同学聚会吗?
没有这么想过 ,但是如果邀请你大概会去——13
11.Have you ever thought or organizing a gathering among primary school friends?
No, but probably will attend if being invited--13 12你觉得怎样的人你会想要和他们做朋友?
12.Which type of person you will be friend with?
Pure and no scheme type of person--15 Congenial with your personality will be the important factor—1413.你对于小时候事情的记忆主要来源于?
自己记得的 ——15
13.What is the source for you to remember your childhood memories? Remember by my own--15The family members said some interesting matters--14 14.你会以结婚为前提来恋爱吗?
会 ——B
14.Will you fall in love as the premise for marriage?
No--A 15. 你觉得现在生活中让你不愉快的事情是什么?
人际关系很冷淡 ——D
15.What you think is the unhappy matter in your current life?
Desolate interpersonal relationship--DStrong utilization among each other--C测试结果
Test ResultsA. 你最念念不忘的人是你没有追到的人,或者两个人友达以上,却偏偏恋爱未满。这样的人是最让你着迷的,可能你在有了新的交往对象以后也会对这个人念念不忘。因为你是一个完美主义者 ,而且对于爱情或者对于任何事情,是因为得不到所以才不知道缺陷在哪里,于是对你来说就会在自己的意识里不断的美化对方和这段感情,于是在自己的臆想中完美起来的爱让你留念不已。
A. Your unforgettable person is the person that you fail to pursue, or the love between you both is not fulfilled. This person lets you in a stew. You still can’t forget this person even you are starting another relationship with another person. You are a perfectionist; therefore you never know what is the flaw whenever you fail to obtain something from a relationship or work. Therefore, you will keep on beautifying this person in your conscious and this love will remain in your conjecture.
B.你是一个失去以后就会觉得后悔的类型的人,所以你最念念不忘的人不是别人,是最近的失去的人。例如上一个恋人 ,你会因为失去而懊恼不已,但凡是因为你自己的原因而失去的人,你就会一直记挂着他们,却忽略了在你身边的人。经常会顾此失彼,你是在交往和分开的时候没有想到 ,分开后才知道自己多么在乎的人。
B. You will feel regretful whenever you lost something. Therefore your unforgettable person is not somebody else, the person will be the person that you lost recently. For example, you will feel annoying to lost your ex lover, however, to those person you lost because of your own problems, you will always keep them in mind, and it causes you to neglect the other person around you. Because of that, you will only know how important is a person is when you lost them.
C.最让你念念不忘的人是你第一次喜欢的人,对你来说爱情一旦长久了就会变得失去了最开始的滋味。你所喜欢的爱情是朦胧而若即若离的 ,所以第一次喜欢的人带给你的感受是任何人都没有办法取代的,就算你忘记了他的姓名他的长相,却会一直记得那时的事情和那样的感觉 ,是真正让你念念不忘的人。
C. Your unforgettable person is your first love; a long run love for you will lost the taste during the starting of the relationship. The love you are looking for is dim and is neither friendly nor aloof. Therefore the feeling that your first love gave you is irreplaceable. You may forgot your first love name or look, but you always remember the feeling of whatever you both had went through.
D.你念念不忘的人是你小时候的玩伴,你是一个有感情洁癖但是又很害怕孤独的人,你经常会因为周围的一些小事情而感到失望 ,最害怕的就是自己的热情去贴了别人的冷漠。所以对于你来说,小时候玩伴那种毫无心迹的坦白的友情是最珍贵的。你是一个很珍惜身边的人的人,但是也要懂得选择值得信任的人才对啊
D. Your unforgettable person is your childhood playing partner. You are a person who a bit restricted to feeling but you are afraid of loneliness. You will always being disappointed by some small matter around you. You are afraid that your warmness will become other’s desolation. You believe that unintentionally friendship is the most precious friendship. You precious person around you, but you have to learn to choose those person you are trusted.